The Kelly Bag by Hermès is certainly one of the most famous handbags in the world. But now with the limited edition "Cool Blonde No.1" made by SEKRÈ, a handbag is coming into the market that actually contains a genuine 'piece of Kelly' for the first time. Each bag is numbered individually and includes a part of an original writing by Grace in a concealed section. It is a private letter which the then Princess of Monaco wrote to the American newspaper columnist Leonard Lyons in the summer of 1970.
"Cool Blonde No.1" is our tribute to an unforgettable personality. It comes in a limited edition of only 56 copies worldwide. The current price of this luxury bag is presently at 4,112 euros / 4,524 dollars. Although "Cool Blonde No.1" will only be launched at the beginning of November, demand has been high for months. A large part of the edition is already sold out.